Emma Birkett
After completing an improv course at City Academy, Emma joined LiveWired in 2018 and has been a regular cast member ever since. In addition to improv, she is passionate about amateur theatre. In 2007 Emma was a founding member of an amateur group in Oxfordshire, and have tried her hand at everything from directing to producing to poster design. But her main love is slapping on some pancake makeup and treading the boards. Particular highlights include playing leading roles in The Prisoner of Second Avenue, The Importance of Being Earnest, Last of the Red Hot Lovers, Play it Again, Sam and Blithe Spirit.
Favourite improv game:
Revolve - because it requires you to establish and flip between two different characters and storylines very quickly. For a more rapid-fire, competitive game, Props is a lot of fun.
Most memorable moment on stage:
Probably playing kooky Californian Bobbi Michele in Neil Simon’s Last of the Red Hot Lovers. In LiveWired, I think it was the first time I managed to work a callback into a scene. Something to do with me being trapped in a sewer… It sort of happened by accident, but I’ll never forget the feeling of everyone thinking I’d been incredibly smart!
One more thing:
I’m distantly descended from both Cardinal Richelieu and a Sheriff of Nottingham. Please promise not to boo me as I enter stage left.